Thursday, November 22, 2012

Evidence of Faith

Last year a friend introduced me to, Evidence Not Seen, by Darlene Deibler Rose. It has become, by far, my favorite missionary story. So much so that I give it away as a gift to friends and family. 

Darlene's commitment and complete faith in the Lord sustained her through horrible trials during WWII. Even when she began to doubt, the Lord would answer her in miraculous ways. Darlene had offered her life to the Lord as a small child, and later decided to become a missionary, to be used where ever the Lord would have her go. She went to New Guinea to tell people about Jesus, but little did she realize how the Lord would use her, in a Japanese POW camp. Her understanding of how you are to love your enemies, those who persecute you, led her to witness to one who very well could have killed her in a furious rage.

-I was not paid or compensated in any way to read or review this book. 

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